March 3, 2014

Ben Pirofsky - a victim of drunk driving in Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Benjamin Pirofsky, age 30, died on February 28, 2014, on a highway in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. 

Ben was on his motorcycle on a Friday evening and crashed into a SUV.  He was fatally injured in this tragic crash and died at the scene. 

Thomas Stanley (L); Ben Pirofsky (Mid); Nadia Verdoni (R)
However, another driver, Thomas Stanley, age 47, was driving behind Ben at the time of the fatal collision and witnessed that the SUV in question was travelling in the opposite direction and then suddenly turned directly in front of Ben's motorcycle, causing him to crash.  It is reported that Ben Pirofsky had the right of way. 

Thomas Stanley confronted the driver, Nadia Verdoni, age 42, who denied hitting
Gabriel, Archangel, pray for
Ben and for those who have lost him
anyone.  The driver of the SUV sped away. Thomas Stanley followed the driver for several blocks and took a photo of the license plate of the vehicle and notified the police.  

The police arrived at the scene and the following day arrested Nadia Verdoni who had smelled of booze when they questioned her.  She had a damaged SUV parked at her home hidden under a tarpaulin. 

Ben Pirofsky was born in New York.  He had lived in Coral Springs for several years and was preparing to move to Fort Lauderdale. He was a finance manager for a car dealership. 

Family members describe Ben as an intelligent man, funny and uptempo.  He is also described as easy going but driven and well-liked.  

Nadia Verdoni faces charges of DUI manslaughter, leaving the scene involving death and tampering with evidence. 

Ben is survived by many loving friends and family members who will forever miss him. 

Pray for justice for Ben. 

Pray for all who die by misadventure. They are with us one moment and gone the next.

God save us from the drunk and doped up drivers.  In their delirium, they are killing us, Father.

Pray that Ben is in heaven. Pray that he is at peace and is with God. Amen.

God bless Thomas Stanley.  He is a Good Samaritan who came to the aid of a stranger.  

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