November 1, 2011

Ari R. Cullers

Sgt. Ari R. Cullers, age 28, of Waterford, Connecticut, was killed by an enemy grenade in Afghanistan on October 30, 2011. 

Ari was a member of the Army's 10th Mountain Division of Fort Drum, New York. He was a mechanic.

Ari graduated from Waterford High School in 2001 and joined the Army soon after. He had previously deployed to Iraq.

Light a candle for Ari.
Light his way to Heaven.
High school officials describe Ari as a very likeable young man and a hard worker. 

Friends said that Ari would do anything for anybody, that he had a bubbly personality and always had a smile on his face.

Ari is survived by numerous loving friends and family members including his mother, Robin Cornele.

Let us pray to God the Father, Jesus, all of the saints and all of the angels that Ari R. Cullers is in heaven. Let us pray that he is at peace and is with God. Amen

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