September 24, 2011

Jakob J. Roelli

Spc. Jakob J. Roelli, age 24, of Darlington, Wisconsin, died on September 21, 2011, in Kandahar province, Afghanistan, of injuries suffered when insurgents attacked his unit with small arms fire.

He was assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 34th Armor Regiment, 1st Heavy Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division, Fort Riley, Kansas.

Jakob grew up on a farm, graduated from Darlington High School in 2006 and attended the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh before joining the military in 2007.
Jesus, pray for Jakob

Family members describe him as the best of the best. 

Friends describe him as dedicated to the Special Forces, and as a fearless man. Others stated that he loved his family and God and that he loved serving his country.

Jakob is survived by many loving friends and family members, including his father, Richard Roelli.

Let us pray to God the Father, Jesus, all of the saints and all of the angels that Jakob J. Roelli is in heaven. Let us pray that he is at peace and is with God. Amen.

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