July 6, 2011

Todd Langley

Australian soldier Sgt. Todd Langley, age 35, was killed on July 4, 2011, in Afghanistan, when he was struck by insurgent small arms fire during an extended contact.

Saint Mary MacKillop, pray
for Todd
He was a Commando Sergeant serving with the Special Operations Task Group (SOTG).

Sgt. Langley was raised in Katanning in Western Australia's Great Southern region. He attended Katanning Senior High School and joined the Army shortly after leaving school.

Military officials stated that Todd was a brave and professional soldier, who never took a backward step. Other military personnel describe him as an exemplary warrior and a true leader who always brought out the best in those around him.

He was on his fifth deployment to Afghanistan and had also undertaken two deployments to East Timor. He was awarded two Commendations for Distinguished Service, firstly in 2002 and then 2008. He was also awarded a Unit Citation for Gallantry in 2006.

Todd has 3 daughters and a son. His family says they are devastated by his death, but they will always cherish memories, including his competitive streak when playing board games and his fascination with world affairs.

Let us pray to God the Father, Jesus, all of the saints and all of the angels that Todd Langley is in heaven. Let us pray that he is at peace and is with God. Amen.

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