July 6, 2011

Scott McLaren

British Soldier, Scott McLaren, age 20, was killed on July 4, 2011, in Helmand Province, Afghanistan. 

He was a rifleman with D Company, The Highlanders 4th Battalion, the Royal Regiment of Scotland.
Emil Kapaun, on your way
to Sainthood, pray for

Scott disappeared on the morning of July 4th from a vehicle checkpoint in Helmand. He was found hours later, dead of gunshot wounds.

Scott was from the Sighthill area of Edinburgh, Scotland. He joined the Army on August 23, 2009. He was deployed to Afghanistan on April 5, 2011.

Scott leaves behind his parents; James and Ann, sister Kirsty and brothers James and Ross. 

Family members stated that they are extremely proud of Scott and that he was a beloved son.

Military officials described Scott as reliable and conscientious, with a big heart and a true friend to many. 

Let us pray to God the Father, Jesus, all of the saints and all of the angels that Scott McLaren is in heaven. Let us pray that he is at peace and is with God. Amen.

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