September 28, 2017

Edrick Alleyne - A Good Samaritan in New Jersey

Edrick Alleyne (L); Dustin Fleischer (R)
On the evening of September 22, 2017, Dustin Fleischer, age 28, went swimming at Seven President’s Beach in Long Branch, New Jersey. 

The weather was hot and many people were at the beach. Beach officials had issued many warnings for people to not go into the ocean on that weekend because lifeguards are no longer on duty after Labor Day and the rip current warning was high.

Dustin Fleischer has recently retired from the boxing profession and is in good physical shape. He admitted that he didn't heed the warnings and because he is a fairly decent swimmer he thought that he would be okay in the water. 

He wasn't. He started to be pulled under and into the rip currents. He thought he was going to die. 

Edrick Alleyne, age 27, was at the beach with this girlfriend, Dawn, and their kids.
The Good Samaritan reaches out to
strangers who are in danger. 
Suddenly a man came running up to them saying that his nephew was drowning. 

Erick and Dawn decided that Erick should try to do something. He was able to get to Dustin and together they rode the waves to shore. 

Dustin Fleischer wants everyone to know that rip currents are no joke. He advises everyone to heed the warnings. 

Dustin Fleischer says "This man is my hero, my real life hero."

Edrick Alleyne is a Good Samaritan. 

Good Samaritans are the everyday heroes of the modern era.

God bless Edrick Alleyne and all who step up to help strangers in times of great distress. Amen.

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