May 16, 2013

Senators in Canada - the Shame of It

There are 105 Senators in Canada.  

They are appointed by the Governor General on the advice of the current Prime Minister of Canada. 

In other words....these are political appointments.  If we have a Conservative government then Conservatives are appointed to vacancies in the Senate.  If there is a Liberal government, then Liberals are appointed. 

Like many things in politics, it is all a bullshit thing. It is all about patronage. If you tow the party line, you may get lucky and get to be appointed as a Senator. 

Proposed laws in Canada go before the House of Commons and then are ratified by the Canadian Senate. The Senate rarely, if ever, rejects bills passed by the elected Commons.  

Their power is symbolic and nothing else. 

I'm a Canadian Senator. This is my alter-ego. 
In other words, the Canadian Senate is an Old Boys and Old Girls Club of fat cats who are rewarded for some perceived service to the currently elected party. 

Senators are paid (as of 2010) - $132,300.  They get housing allowances, travel allowances and pensions. 

Senators can serve until they are 75 years old.  

Many of them don't show up for Senate sessions.  Others are observed drifting off to sleep.  They are old and tired and bored. 

God save us from the greedy Canadian Senators. 

They are like the birds of the air who sow not, neither do they reap and yet God feeds them. Why? 

The Canadian Senate should be abolished entirely and their salaries given to the poor. 

God save us from the politicians. Amen. 

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