April 17, 2013

Krystle Campbell - died at the Boston Marathon

Krystle Campbell, age 29, died on April 15, 2013, on a street in Boston, Massachusetts.

She was a victim of the "Marathon Bomber" who killed three innocent bystanders and injured more than 200 others.

Krystle had been watching the Boston Marathon alongside her friend Karen, when the explosion went off, killing her.

She was a native of Medford, Massachusetts but was most recently living in Arlington.

Family members describe Krystle as a hard worker and as bubbly, loving and caring. She had moved in with her grandmother a few years ago to take care of her after surgery. She is also described as a people person.

Krystle was the assistant manager at a steakhouse in Arlington. Co-workers there describe her as someone who could smooth over issues with a smile. The wait staff loved working with her. She would run food for them, clear the tables for them. She wasn't just a figurehead. She enjoyed getting her hands dirty.

Friends stated that Krystle was an incredible woman, always full of energy and hard at
Light a candle for Krystle.
Light her way to Heaven. 
work, but never too tired to share her love and a smile with everyone.

Krystle is survived by many loving friends and relatives including her mother Patty Campbell; her father, William Campbell; her brother Billy and her grandmother, Lillian Campbell.

God save us from the Lost Ones who stalk the Earth stealing away life. Amen.

God save us from the psychopaths and the freaks. They are killing us, Father. Amen.

Let us pray that Krystle is in heaven. Let us pray that she is at peace and is with God. Amen.

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