March 8, 2013

Christina Edkins - murdered on a bus in Birmingham, England

Christina Edkins, age 16, died on March 7, 2013, in Birmingham, England. 

Christina was stabbed to death on a City bus as she was going to school at about 7:30 a.m. 

Her attacker was already on the crowded commuter bus when she boarded. West Midlands Police arrested a 22-year-old man, Phillip Simelane, in connection with her murder shortly afterwards. 

Others rushed to her aid, but were unable to save her.

Only weeks ago, Christina tweeted her fears over a suspicious individual on her bus. “This man is worrying me on the bus keeps getting up and walking up and down stairs, and sitting in a different place." 

She was a student at Leasowes High School in Halesowen. 

School officials stated that she was a bright and popular student. They are grieving. 

Angels of God, pray for Christina
The family of Christina is devastated over the tragic loss of their loved one. Christina will be forever missed. 

Christina is survived by many loving friends and relatives including her mother, Kathleen Harris; her father, Jason Edkins; and her half-brother, Ryan Harris. 

God save us from the Lost Ones who stalk the Earth stealing away life. Amen. 

God save us from the freaks walking the streets and riding the buses. They are killing us, Father. Amen.

Pray for justice for Christina.

Let us pray that Christina is in heaven. Let us pray that she is at peace and is with God. Amen.

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