December 24, 2012

Job Price

Cdr. Job W. Price, age 42, of Pottstown, Pennsylvania, died on December 22, 2012, of a non-combat related injury while supporting stability operations in Uruzgan Province, Afghanistan. 

Saint Jude, pray for
Job Price was assigned to an East Coast-based Naval Special Warfare unit in Virginia Beach, Virginia.

It has been reported that the cause of death may be suicide.

Job had worked for the Department of Defense since 1989.  It was not immediately known when Job started his tour of duty in Afghanistan.  He had been in command of SEAL Team 4 (a team of 25 to 30 men) since June 2011. 

Job is survived by many loving friends and relatives including his wife and daughter. 

Thank you for serving, Job. 

Pray for all who suffer hidden torment.  Amen. 

Let us pray that Job Price is in heaven. Let us pray that he is at peace and is with God. Amen.

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