September 1, 2012

Stjepan Rick Milosevic

Australian soldier Lance Corporal Stjepan Milosevic, age 40, died on August 29, 2012, in Uruzgan Province, Afghanistan.

He was shot by a renegade local Afghan soldier. 

He was a member of the 3RAR Task Group based at Brisbane's Gallipoli Barracks.

He was born in Penrith in New South Wales. He joined the army in 2008. He deployed to Iraq in 2010.

Mary, pray for Rick
Military officials describe Stjepan as a much-liked and respected member of his regiment. His leadership and professional abilities stood out in the unit, on the rugby field and on operations. He was also a devoted family man. 

Stjepan was known as Rick to his family and Milo to his fellow soldiers.

Rick is survived by many loving friends and relatives, including his wife and two children.

Let us pray that Stjepan Rick Milosevic is in heaven. Let us pray that he is at peace and is with God. Amen.

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