September 27, 2011

George W. Fisher III - Firefighter - North Carolina

George W. Fisher III, age 56, died on September 22, 2011, in Kinston, North Carolina. 

He was a volunteer member of the Sandy Bottom Fire Department of Lenoir County, North Carolina. He had 23 years of service with this volunteer fire department. 

He was getting a vehicle serviced when he collapsed. He was transported to hospital, where he died. 

George did not die fighting a fire, but he had responded to 2 calls within hours of his passing. The stress may have contributed to his death. 
Saint Florian,
Patron Saint of
pray for George

Volunteer firefighters experience just as much stress in fighting fires as do professional firemen. And they die just as readily. 

George Fisher was a member of this fire Department since 1988 and was in charge of the Junior Firefighter Program.

George Fisher is survived by numerous friends and family members including his wife, Sandy Fisher and daughters Jennifer and Lindsay.

Let us pray to God the Father, Jesus, all of the saints and all of the angels that George W. Fisher III is in heaven. Let us pray that he is at peace and is with God. Amen.

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