July 6, 2011

Vincent Perez - Firefighter - California

Firefighter Lt. Vince Perez, age 48, died on June 2, 2011, of injuries sustained in fighting an electrical fire at a house in San Francisco. 

Father, place Vince on
the Stairway to Heaven
Vincent died during a "flashover", which is an explosion from intense heat.

Vincent was a veteran of the San Francisco Fire Department and worked out of Station 26.  

Vincent was a former Marine with the U.S. Army. 

Fire officials stated: "He was a fireman's fireman; If there was a fire, Vince was going to be the one putting out the fire."

Family members stated that Vincent was dedicated to his family and friends and lived a life of service and that he had a huge capacity for love and a big heart.

Pray for all who are killed in the line of duty. 

Let us pray to God the Father, Jesus, all of the saints and all of the angels that Vincent Perez is in heaven. Let us pray that he is at peace and is with God. Amen.

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