May 28, 2011

Karl Manning

Canadian soldier, Karl Manning, age 31, died on May 27, 2011, at a remote outpost in the Zangabad area, 45 kilometres southwest of the Kandahar airfield.

Rafael, Archangel,
pray for Karl
He died of "non-combat-related wounds.  The military stated that enemy action or foul play had no role in his death. 

The Canadian battle group, led by the 1st Battalion Royal 22e Regiment, pushed into the area last December. Karl Manning was near the end of an almost seven-month deployment with the group.  

Karl Manning, a radar operator from Chicoutimi, Quebec, was an artillery soldier who spent the better part of his tour at the outpost amid the villages of western Panjwaii.  Karl joined the Canadian Forces three years ago and deployed to Kandahar on his first foreign tour last December.

He is described by fellow soldiers as reliable and responsible. He was always ready to help others in order to improve the co-ordination of his team.

Let us pray to God the Father, Jesus, all of the saints and all of the angels that Karl Manning is in heaven. Let us pray that he is at peace and is with God. Amen.

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