October 27, 2010

Prayer for Katie Ellen in California

Dear Heavenly Father: I pray to you today in desperate need. I have been struggling everyday for the last seven years. I feel as though I have been walking thru the desert alone all this time. I have such a need to be reassured that you are in control of my life along with me. All my choices seem to not lead me to my proper road. 

Starting back on May 11, 2003, the day I found my beloved Mother passed away in her bed on this most special day: Mother's Day. It was three months after my Father had died. At the same time my marriage of 17 years was crumbling around me. My whole life fell apart before my eyes. Since that time, my Family has been broken apart beyond my ability to repair. I continue to ask for your supernatural intervention to help change the hearts of Ed and his new wife Tracy, and my 3 brothers Mike, Bill, and Doug. Please restore me with my promised gifts to me in Modesto, California.

Thank you my Lord - Love eternally - Katie Ellen (California)

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