April 12, 2010

My name is Erin (28) and my daughter (I won't publish her name, as I can't afford to be tracked right now) is 2. My ex husband was emotionally and mentally cruel to an extreme, then had an affair and walked out on us. He is now living with her, doing very crazy things, and our divorce is not final. He is horrible to our daughter. He uses her as a pawn against me and cuts off funds to her just to show me in a bad light. He is still being mentally cruel to us both. He is stalking and intimidating, and legally, there is nothing to be done about it. I also can't afford a lawyer. He's scaring me very badly, and I fear for what his cruelty will eventually do to our daughter. He doesn't want to see her, and refuses to spend more than a few non-consecutive hours per week with her unless it's ordered, but he will not let me move to be with my support system claiming he wants to spend time with her. We are very far from friends and family with the exception of his. I pray that he has a nice, prosperous, and happy life, but that he ends this divorce and leaves our daughter and me alone. I have prayed for quite some time for his heart to change and for him to start becoming decent, but he's just gotten worse and more threatening. Please pray for him to let us go.

Thank you - Erin (Location not stated)

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