June 9, 2015

Krissie Davis - a Civilian killed in Afghanistan

Krissie Davis, age 54, of Talladega, Alabama, died on June 8, 2015, at Bagram Airbase in Afghanistan.
Krissie Davis

Krissie was a member of the The Defense Logistics Agency, which is an agency in the United States Department of Defense, with more than 26,000 civilian and military personnel throughout the world. The Defense Logistics Agency provides supplies to the military services and supports their acquisition of weapons, repair parts, and other material.

Krissie was killed during an indirect fire attack on Bagram Airbase. Another civilian was wounded.

Krissie left for Afghanistan on April 25, 2015, as an environmental protection specialist regarding the disposal of hazardous waste.

In 2010, she served in Kuwait and Kyrgyzstan.

She had also served as a civilian with the Federal Bureau of Prisons and the Department of the Army before joining the Defense Logistics Agency in April of 1992. She had over 30 years of federal service.

Friends stated that Krissie was a friend to everyone and helpful to others. She had a
Light a candle for Krissie. Light her way to Heaven.
strong Southern drawl and a big grin. She will be forever remembered.

Krissie's loved ones are devastated over her sudden and tragic death. She did her best. She will be forever mourned.

Krissie is survived by many loving comrades, friends and family members.

Thank you for your service to your country, Krissie.

Pray for all who die suddenly. They are with us one moment and are gone before we can say goodbye.

Pray for all who die in a foreign land, far from their loved ones.

Pray that Krissie is in Heaven. Pray that she is at peace and is with God. Amen.

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