November 5, 2013

Robert Libke - Law Enforcement - Oregon

Reserve Officer Robert Libke, age 41, died on November 4, 2013, at a hospital in Portland, Oregon.

Robert was a reserve officer with the Oregon City Police Department. He had four years of service.

Much of reserve officer police work is unpaid volunteer work or nominally paid.

On November 3, 2013, Officer Libke had responded to a house fire in Oregon City at approximately 1:00 p.m. As emergency crews arrived at the scene they were informed that the occupant, Lawrence Cambra, age 88, was armed. Officer Libke confronted the man at gunpoint, ordering him to drop his gun. Lawrence Cambra opened fire with a revolver, striking Officer Libke in the head. Officer Libke was unable to return fire.

Officer Libke was flown to Legacy Emanuel Medical Center in grave condition. He 
passed away the following day after being taken off of life support.

Lawrence Cambra was later shot and killed by members of the SWAT Team.
Michael, Archangel, Patron Saint of the Police,
pray for Rob, for his wife and for his child who
will forever miss him
Neighbors stated that he told them he had set his own house on fire. They said he appeared to be out of his mind.

Police officials stated that Robert was dependable, well-liked and respected by his peers. He was a man who dedicated a large portion of his free time to the community.

Police officials also stated that they are proud of Rob's actions during the incident.  He followed the correct procedures.

Rob is survived by many loving friends and relatives including his expectant wife.

Pray for all who die in the line of duty. Amen.

Pray that Rob is in heaven. Pray that he is at peace and is with God. Amen.

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