November 1, 2013

Casey Kohlmeier - Law Enforcement - Illinois

Police Officer Casey Kohlmeier, age 29, was killed in the line of duty on October 30, 2013, on a highway near Pontiac, Illinois.

Casey was a member of the Pontiac Police Department. He was assigned to the Livingston County Proactive Unit. He had 6 years of service.

At about 9:30 p.m., Officer Kohlmeier was in his patrol car in a median turnaround when another vehicle struck him during a period of heavy rain.

Casey's police dog was also killed in the collision.

Jason C. Collins, age 33, of West Columbia, South Carolina, has been charged with
Michael, Archangel,
Patron Saint of the Police,
pray for Casey
aggravated DUI in connection with this tragedy.

Casey was hopeful that one day he would be able to join the FBI.

The Pontiac Police Department and the community are in mourning over Casey's death.

Friends describe Casey as a fine young man with a great personality. He was very kind. Many people cared about him.

Casey is survived by many loving friends and relatives including his parents, Jeff Kohlmeier and Keri Schmidt; his brothers, Zach Kohlmeier and Jordan Kociss; and two sisters Lauren Kohlmeier and Ryli Schmidt.

Pray for all who die in the line of duty. Amen. 

God save us from the drunk and doped up drivers. They are killing us, Father. Amen.

Pray that Casey is in heaven. Pray that he is at peace and is with God. Amen.

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