October 28, 2013

Arlie Hill III - Firefighter - Kentucky

Lieutenant Arlie Hill III, age 37, of McCreary County, Kentucky, died on October 27, 2013, at a hospital in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Arlie was a volunteer member of the Whitley City Fire Department in Kentucky. He had 14 years of service.

Arlie was nicknamed "Pooh" by his family and friends.

On August 30, 2013, Lt. Arlie Hill and his brother-in-law, Lt. Adam Stephens, also a volunteer firefighter with the Whitley City Fire Department, witnessed a fire in a residence near Arlie's home. The men reported the fire, and initiated a search of the
Florian, Patron Saint of
Firefighters, pray for Arlie
home. Arlie thought that there may have been a child inside the house.

While inside the structure, the firefighters were caught by rapid fire progress. Arlie was trapped by a flashover and was severely burned over a large part of his body. Adam Stephens suffered injuries but was able to pull Arlie from the burning house.

The Whitley Fire Department is in mourning over the loss of their comrade who was a valued and loved member.

Arlie is survived by many loving friends and relatives including his wife, Sharen; and his son and daughter.

Pray for all who die as a result of coming to the aid of others. Amen. 

Pray for all who linger and who suffer. Amen.

Pray that Arlie is in heaven. Pray that he is at peace and is with God. Amen.

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