June 19, 2013

Barbarism Alert - Many teenagers in Jordan think honour killing of women is justified

Barbarism Alert -
honour killing
in Jordan
A recent University of Cambridge (England) research study involved 15 year olds in Jordan. 

The study set out to discover the attitudes of teenagers towards the murder of female family members who committed perceived slights against family honour.

This is called "honour killing".

856 ninth grade students in Amman, Jordan, were polled.

The results were: about 40% of boys and 20% of girls believe that killing a daughter, sister, or wife who has dishonored the family is justified.
Amman, Jordan - a 21st century city with a
14th century attitude

These results are disturbing. 15 year olds are supposed to be "with it", progressive, open to new ideas, on the mark and with the times. 15 year olds are the ones most up for "change" in the world.

They are the lawmakers and the intelligentsia of the future.  Apparently, not in Jordan. 
Angels of God, pray for
the women of Jordan

Jordan, like some other countries in the Middle East and Asia has an old tradition of honour killings and a poor record when it comes to criminalising violence against women. Men can get away with murder in Jordan.

Researchers state that the attitudes of teenagers in Jordan regarding this issue were not connected to religious beliefs but were connected to other local cultural values such as concepts of virtue. 

In Jordan, the kids are concerned with virtue? How about the virtue of not slitting the throats of your wives and sisters? 

That is the greater virtue.

God help us. God save us from the violence against women. Amen.

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