March 20, 2013

Pawel Ordynski - Polish soldier killed

Polish trooper Pawel Ordynski, age 29, died in the line of duty on March 14, 2013, in Ghazni Province, Afghanistan. 

Pawel was a member of the 12th Mechanised Brigade. He had been a transport driver since 2004. 

He was driving as his team was on patrol when his vehicle struck an improvised explosive device. 

Pawel is the 39th Polish soldier to be killed in Afghanistan since 2007.

Gabriel, Archangel, who stands
in the presence of God,
pray for Pawel
Pawel had previously served in Afghanistan and also in the Balkans. This was his fourth mission.

Military officials stated that Pawel had a good reputation among his colleagues and superiors. He had highly respected skills of his own.

Pawel is survived by many loving friends and relatives. He will be forever missed. 

Pray for all who die in the line of duty. 

Let us pray that Pawel is in heaven. Let us pray that he is at peace and is with God. Amen.

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