August 27, 2011

Andrew R. Tobin

Sgt. Andrew R. Tobin, age 24, of Jacksonville, Illinois, died on August 24, 2011, in Kandahar province, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when enemy forces attacked his unit using small arms fire. 

He was assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 87th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division, Fort Drum, New York. 
Padre Pio, pray for

Andrew graduated from Manteno High School in 2005. He joined the Army in January 2008, and was on his second tour of duty in Afghanistan.

Family and friends describe Andrew as well-liked, personable and a jokester. He liked to make people laugh. He is also described as a loving person. 

Andrew is survived by numerous loving family members and friends including his wife, Katie; his mother Lee Ann Smith; his father Nicholas Tobin Sr. and a brother, Nicholas Tobin Jr. 

Let us pray to God the Father, Jesus, all of the saints and all of the angels that Andrew R. Tobin is in heaven. Let us pray that he is at peace and is with God. Amen.

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