October 18, 2010

Doctrine of Inclusion

This website is dedicated to God, our Father, who is the Master of the Universe.

Throne of God
This is a Catholic website, but Catholics alone do not hold the only connection to God, despite the Magesterium of the Church. 

All who seek God, will find Him. 

The doctrine of inclusion means that every man and woman, since the beginning of history, is a child of Our Father. Everyone is connected to the Father. Everyone is included in the Universal Plan. Everyone is equal and is saved and goes to the Father in the end. God will judge your failings if He wishes. 

Stairway to Heaven
This includes all religions - Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, Sikhs, Shintoists and all others. Every religion on this Earth. 

Father, bring all who have died, unto you. 
Father, have mercy on all of the living.
Father give us justice - now or in Heaven. 
Father, bring us all into paradise. Take us there. 


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