August 30, 2010

James Ide

Army Staff Sergeant James Ide the Fifth was killed while on duty on August 29, 2010. He was age 32. 

James Ide was a dog handler, who trained dogs for bomb sniffing. He was a thirteen year military man, who loved his job and being in the military. Carol Kline, his aunt had this to say "it's very hard for everyone in our family. we're a very large family and we're clinging to each other trying to help each other"

James Ide came from a military family, his father was retired Air Force and knew the risk associated with his job, "He knew the risk. He accepted it and it didn't matter because he was doing what he loved. He wasn't out for glory or recognition. He just loved it. That's all he could talk about was how much he loved the work he was doing for his country".

Sergeant Ide knew from the moment he graduates from DeSoto High School in 1997, that he wanted to go to the Army. During his career, he served a tour in Korea and two tours in Iraq, before going to Afghanistan.

Let us pray to God the Father, Jesus, all of the saints and all of the angels that James Ide is in heaven. Let us pray that he is at peace and is with God. Amen

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