March 26, 2013

Kaitlin Gerber - murdered in Toledo, Ohio

Kaitlin Gerber
Kaitlin Gerber, age 20, died on March 24, 2013, at a shopping centre parking lot in Toledo, Ohio.

She was shot and murdered by her ex-boyfriend, Jashua Perz, age 29.  (Yes - Jashua, not Joshua). 

At about 11:30 a.m., Kaitlin called 911 from her car and stated that her ex-boyfriend was chasing her in a car and that he had a gun and was shooting at her. She had been on her way to work.

Sunday’s events unfolded just after 11:30 a.m. when Miss Gerber, 20, called 911 from her car and told police that an ex-boyfriend was chasing her in a car and he had a gun.

Jashua Perz was found dead in a house in the suburb of Maumee. He had barricaded himself inside and then committed suicide. 

Jashua Perz
Kaitlin worked at the Lexus of Toledo car dealership in Sylvania Township and at Jim Shull’s Rib Cage in Maumee. She was planning to attend the University of Toledo to study either pharmacology or chemical engineering. 

Family members describe Kaitlin as an ambitious young lady, outgoing and driven. She sang in the choir at a local Baptist church. 

Kaitlin met Jashua Perz at the restaurant. They had a relationship which soured. Jashua was not happy over this breakup and stalked and harassed Kaitlin - writing her dozens of letters, threatening to kill her and her family members. She obtained a restraining order prohibiting further contact.

Jashua Perz violated the restraining order by writing to Kaitlin on several occasions. 

Angels of God, pray
for Kaitlin
The family of Kaitlin feel that the Justice System failed to protect her, when they knew that Jashua Perz was a threat.

Kaitlin is survived by many loving friends and relatives including her father, Jeff Gerber.

God save us from those who say they love us and then kill us. Amen.

God save us from the Obsessed Ones. They are killing us, Father.

Let us pray that Kaitlin is in heaven. Let us pray that she is at peace and is with God. Amen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

May she rest in peace. I have had a 14 year old Court case and FEAR this very same thing. So much so I have relocated from another state. The Judge in our case has no training or understanding....just moves through his full ticket everyday to collect his pay check. Places like the BMV and the IRS make you list your address rather than a PO Box. Even these agencies do not recognize the fear a victim has.

Please let the community know if there is a task force meeting. Prosecutor Bates will take this seriously and ask a lot of questions. Lots of questions need to be asked of the DV advocate as well.