August 6, 2011

Daniel Gurr

Marine Sgt. Daniel Gurr, age 21, of Vernal, Utah, died on August 5, 2011, of injuries sustained during enemy small-arms fire during a foot patrol near Malozai, in the Helmand Province of Afghanistan.

Daniel was with the 3rd Recon Battalion, 2nd Marine Division.

Daniel had enlisted in the Marine Corps before entering his senior year at Uintah High School. He had planned to join the military from a very young age. 
Angels of God, pray
for Daniel

Daniel is survived by numerous loving relatives and friends including his mother, Tracy Beede and his former fiancee Stephanie Sabin. 

Family members stated that he loved his platoon. They were his family and his brothers. They also said that Daniel was a true man, with a heart of gold.

Pray for all 21 year old men who die in the line of duty. They barely get a chance at life.

Let us pray to God the Father, Jesus, all of the saints and all of the angels that Daniel Gurr is in heaven. Let us pray that he is at peace and is with God. Amen.

1 comment:

noelani said...

I am the daughter of a Marine who, fortunately, did not have to give his life in his war, which was Vietnam. I cry for all those who do give their lives. I know that they are welcomed into Heaven, but their families are put through hell. I pray that the family and friends of this young man will be comforted and take some pride in the fact that he was an exceptional person, with the courage and strength required to be a US Marine.