June 5, 2013

Robert Bales - U.S. Military - admitted to killing 16 Afghan citizens in cold blood

Staff Sergeant Robert Bales, age 39, of Lake Tapps, Washington, admitted on June 5, 2013, that he killed 16 Afghan civilians in cold blood in March of 2012. 

He is a decorated veteran of four combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. He is also the father of two children. 
Robert Bales

He stated that he roamed off of his Army post in the Afghan province of Kandahar in March of 2012 with the intention to kill.

He gunned down and set fire to unarmed villagers, mostly women and children, in attacks on their family compounds.

Sixteen people lost their lives over this freak. 

When asked by judges at his trial why he did this. He said:  "There is not a good reason in this world for why I did the horrible things that I did.” Apparently, he says this without emotion. 

He was asked if he did this out of self-defence, or under orders, or whether he had any other legal justification to kill the 16 villagers.  The answer is "No". 

Of course, Defence attorneys have come up with the scenario that Robert Bales, was suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and a brain injury even before his deployment to Afghanistan.  He was also using steroids for muscle building and was agitated from these drugs. 

If Robert Bales was so "wacked" from post traumatic stress disorder, brain injuries and steroids, why didn't his comrades notice this and report it to their superiors?  

Robert Bales agreed to plead guilty to the murder charges against him in return for military prosecutors agreeing not to seek the death penalty.
Pray for the victims
of Robert Bale.
Pray that they are
with God. 

In other words - he doesn't want to die.  Very few people do.  

And neither did the 16 women and children he slaughtered. We are very sure that they wanted to live another day. 

God save us from the psychopaths.  They kill us and yet they want to live forever.  

Jesus, Mary, all saints and all angels pray for us.  Save us from the Lost Ones who stalk the Earth stealing away life. Amen. 

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