May 4, 2013

Samuel Flint-Broughton - British Military

Fusilier Samuel Flint-Broughton, age 21, died on April 30, 2013, in the Nahr-e-Saraj District of Helmand Province, Afghanistan, of wounds sustained when his vehicle hit a roadside bomb.

He was a member of the Royal Highland Fusiliers, 2nd Battalion The Royal Regiment of Scotland. The battalion is based at the Glencorse Barracks in Penicuik, Midlothian.

Sam had deployed to Afghanistan in March of 2013.

Military officials stated: "Despite his young age and relative inexperience it was clear to us all that he was a soldier brimming with skill and ability". He is also described as a fit, enthusiastic, motivated and capable soldier who was quick with a smile and a laugh. His Battalion is immensely proud to have known and worked with Sam.

Military colleagues stated that Sam was a good friend who was always smiling and laughing. He will be forever missed.

Family members describe Sam as cheeky, full of life and well-loved. They are proud of his service to his country but are devastated at his loss.

His friends have described him as a motorsports enthusiast and an avid Manchester
Light a candle for Sam.
Light his way to Heaven. 
City fan. He was dedicated to his family and spent his spare time at home or socialising with friends in Edinburgh.

Samuel is survived by many loving friends and relatives.

Thank you for serving, Sam. 

Pray for all who die in the line of duty.

Pray for the 21 year olds who die in battle. Yesterday they were just boys. Amen.

Let us pray that Sam is in heaven. Let us pray that he is at peace and is with God. Amen.

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