May 4, 2013

Charles McClure - U.S. Miltary

Pray for Charles
Pfc. Charles P. McClure, age 21, of Stratford, Oklahoma, died on May 2, 2013, in Camp Buehring, Kuwait, of injuries sustained in a vehicle accident.

He was assigned to 4th Battalion, 42nd Field Artillery Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, Fort Carson, Colorado.

The details of the crash are not reported as of this posting. 

Charles McClure joined the U.S. Army on November 1, 2011. He deployed in February of 2013 to Kuwait.

He was awarded the National Defense Service Ribbon, Global War on Terror Service Medal and the Army Service Ribbon.

Charles is survived by many loving friends and relatives.

Thank you for serving, Charles.

Pray for all who die by misadventure. They are with us one moment and gone the next. Amen. 

Pray for the 21 year olds who die in a foreign land away from their loved ones.  Yesterday, they were just boys.  Amen. 

Let us pray that Charles is in heaven. Let us pray that he is at peace and is with God. Amen.

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