May 6, 2013

Brendan Wilson and Austin Kingsborough - drowned in a lake in British Columbia

Austin Kingsborough
Brendan Wilson, age 18, and Austin Kingsborough, age 17, drowned in Lake Nicola, British Columbia, sometime around April 21, 2013.

These boys were from Langley, B.C.

The boys disappeared after they went to a family trailer at Nicola Bay Resort for a weekend. An overturned canoe was found in the lake.

Their bodies have been recovered.

The families of these boys are suffering an unspeakable loss. 
Brendan Wilson

Only God knows why these tragic accidents happen.

Both Brendan and Austin will be forever mourned. 

Both boys were into Hockey and were well-known and were popular.  
Angels of God, pray for Brendan
and Austin

Brendan and Austin are survived by many loving friends and relatives including their parents and siblings.

Pray for all who die by misadventure. They are with us one moment and gone the next. Amen. 

Pray for those who die as teenagers.  They are only kids after all.  They didn't get a chance at life.  Amen.

Let us pray that Brendan and Austin are in heaven. Let us pray that they are at peace and are with God. Amen

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