April 6, 2013

Frank Simchak Jr. - a Good Samaritan who later died

Frank Simchak Jr., age 30, died on March 22, 2013, in Calgary, Alberta.

Frank was working at a Calgary construction site last month when he became pinned on a scissor lift and was taken to hospital in critical condition. He spent five days at Foothills Hospital in a coma and on life support before he passed away.

In September of 2012, Frank was using the washroom of a Subway Restaurant in downtown Vancouver when he came out to see an employee shaking and in tears following a robbery. The 6-foot-4, 250-pound trained martial artist then chased the suspect on the street, caught him and held him until police arrived.

Frank grew up in Port Moody, British Columbia. He worked in construction and had just been promoted to oversee a work site in Calgary prior to this passing. On weekends, he was also a professional DJ at local nightclubs.

Family members describe Frank as courageous and protective. He was proud that he
The Good Samaritan
comes to the aid of
others, selflessly.
was able to help in the arrest of the Subway robber. He was proud of his little daughter.

Frank is survived by many loving friends and relatives including his parents; his sisters Susan and Helen; his wife and their two year old daughter, Ava.

Thanks for coming to the aid of others, Frank. You are a good Samaritan. 

Pray for all who die by misadventure. They are with us one moment and gone the next. Amen.

Let us pray that Frank is in heaven. Let us pray that he is at peace and is with God. Amen.

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