April 6, 2013

Madalyn Carey - murdered in Chester, Virginia

Madalyn Carey
Madalyn Carey, age 42, died on or before April 2, 2013, at her residence in Chester, Virginia

She was found deceased in a house that had been gutted by fire. It was determined that she had been shot prior to the fire.

Police sought Lloyd Edward Warren Jr., 46, who also resided at the same residence as Madalyn.

Police found him in his vehicle at a graveyard in Cartersville. He was suffering from a self-inflicted gunshot wound and soon after died.

The exact nature of the relationship between Madalyn and Lloyd Warren Jr. is unknown. 

Lloyd Warren Jr.
He was a former corrections officer who had at least twice been involved in assaults and/or threats against women with whom he was having a relationship.

Madalyn taught medical classes at Virginia College. She had been at the school for 2 1/2 years.

Students of Madalyn stated that she was like another mother to everybody, she planted a lot of seeds in this school. She is also remembered as tender but tough and a teacher with high expectations of her students and who cared deeply about their future. She often gave a boost to the morale of others when they were feeling gloomy. 

Jesus, pray for Madalyn
Madalyn is survived by many loving students, friends and relatives.

God save us from those who say they love us and then kill us. Amen. 

Let us pray that Madalyn is in heaven. Let us pray that she is at peace and is with God. Amen.

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