April 6, 2013

Brandon Kountz - Corrections Officer - Texas

Michael, Archangel,
Patron Saint of
Officers, pray for
Correctional Officer Brandon Kountz, age 31, died in the line of duty on March 31, 3013, at the Beaumont Federal Correctional Complex in Beaumont, Texas.

Brandon was a member of the Federal Bureau of Prisons. He had 11 months of service.

He was rushing to assist other officers deal with the inmates when he suddenly collapsed and died of a heart attack.

Brandon is survived by many loving friends and relatives including his father, Robert Kountz; his brother, Kenny; his sister, Karla; and his wife, Jennifer.  Brandon was predeceased by his mother, Dorothy. 

Thank you for serving, Brandon.

Pray for all who die in the line of duty. 

Pray for all who die young.

Let us pray that Brandon is in heaven. Let us pray that he is at peace and is wi
th God. Amen.

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