June 13, 2011

Joshua B. McDaniels

Lance Cpl. Joshua B. McDaniels, age 21, of Dublin, Ohio, died on June 12, 2011, while conducting combat operations in Helmand province, Afghanistan. 

He was assigned to 2nd Combat Engineer Battalion, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp Lejeune, N.C.

Pray that Joshua is on the
stairway to Heaven
Joshua was a combat engineer whose duties included safely detonating roadside bombs planted by insurgents. One of the devices exploded and killed him. 

Joshua grew up in London and was captain of the high school's football team in 2007. He also wrestled for London High School. He joined the Marines in November 2009 and deployed to Afghanistan in March, 2011.

Family members stated: "He was a Marine, He was a really tough and brave guy who wanted to help everybody." They also stated that he was a jokester and fun to be around. 

Joshua is the son of Brent and Janice McDaniels, of New Albany. He is also survived by his wife, Adrianna, whom he married in September, and by two brothers and a sister.

Let us pray to God the Father, Jesus, all of the saints and all of the angels that Joshua B. McDaniels is in heaven. Let us pray that he is at peace and is with God. Amen.

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