Kevin was in the company of a male babysitter, while his mother was at work. The circumstances of the attack seem muddied. However, it has been reported that the boy tried to pick up a bone that was on the ground near the chained dog, when the dog attacked the boy.
Kevin was hospitalized at a local hospital with a broken eye socket, broken cheek bone and broken lower jaw bone. He is recovering but doctors state that Kevin will require months and possibly years of reconstructive surgeries.
How painful will these surgeries be for this little boy in the coming years? It has not been determined if his damaged eye socket will be able to produce tears, which will result in constant attention and medication in the future.
It has been reported that the pit bull, "Mickey", killed another dog last year.
The issue of the euthanasia of Mickey will go before a court in Phoenix on March 25, 2014.
Supporters of "Mickey" have a Facebook page, an advocacy group and a lawyer who are pushing to save this mutt because it is a "poor, innocent dog". This support page has over 40,000 "likes" in support. Almost $6,000. has been collected to fight the euthanization of this dog.
Jesus, all saints and all angels pray for us. God save us from this stupidity.
Mauling by dogs is not acceptable in a civilized country. This dog has demonstrated the ability to maim a child.
What more proof do you need that this dog is a current danger and is a possible future danger to human beings?
Where are the lawmakers in Phoenix and in Arizona? Why do you allow dangerous dog breeds to exist in your jurisdiction? Many other towns, cities and states ban these nasty mutts outright and so should you.
Any judge in Arizona who allows this dog to continue to live and to be a possible future threat to the populace should re-examine his or her usefulness in the justice system.
Pray for Kevin Vicente.
Pray that this poor kid fully recovers from the physical and mental trauma of this tragic and unnecessary attack. Amen.
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Mickey, the Pit bull (in a good mood) (Left); What Mickey would look like in a bad mood (Right) |
Supporters of "Mickey" have a Facebook page, an advocacy group and a lawyer who are pushing to save this mutt because it is a "poor, innocent dog". This support page has over 40,000 "likes" in support. Almost $6,000. has been collected to fight the euthanization of this dog.
Jesus, all saints and all angels pray for us. God save us from this stupidity.
Mauling by dogs is not acceptable in a civilized country. This dog has demonstrated the ability to maim a child.
What more proof do you need that this dog is a current danger and is a possible future danger to human beings?
Where are the lawmakers in Phoenix and in Arizona? Why do you allow dangerous dog breeds to exist in your jurisdiction? Many other towns, cities and states ban these nasty mutts outright and so should you.
Any judge in Arizona who allows this dog to continue to live and to be a possible future threat to the populace should re-examine his or her usefulness in the justice system.
Pray for Kevin Vicente.
Pray that this poor kid fully recovers from the physical and mental trauma of this tragic and unnecessary attack. Amen.
Let us all support Kevin by making sure Mickey is never allowed to attack again. Nobody can take back the injuries, or the suffering Kevin endured, but we can make sure it does not happen to another child. If you have children, get the word out there that you do not condone dogs attacking people, specifically children. You can show support by liking our page.
You can sign this petition to Phoenix Municipal Court. Do your part to make sure another child is not injured or even killed by this dog.
you have got to be kidding me....
using Jesus really? Jesus would not approve of the way this dog was treated by the humans that were supposed to care for him. Jesus would not approve of all the hate and lies you people are spreading.
Jesus would not approve of killing one of his fathers most beloved creatures because humans failed him. Mickey did not in his mind attack a child, Mickey is a "dog" Mickey a dog who lived his life alone tied outside on a chain defended his territory from what he saw as another animal invading it. Had Mickey been properly cared for, Had Kevin been properly supervised this never would have happened. A child is damaged for life and a dog may lose his life because of human incompetence and neglect. How dare you say Jesus would approve of any of this.. you should be ashamed of yourselves.
You need to get out of the dog kennel and go do some volunteer work regarding real issues such as children's advocacy. The mauling of children by dogs is not acceptable in a civilized country.
I don't think you should kill mickey for biting kevin, mickey is a dog who does not think like a human, any dog no matter the breed can bite, instead of killing mickey sue the damn baby sitter for kevins injury ! she should pay all his medical as well as pain and suffering, if she was watching him like she was paid to do he would not have been able to get near the poor dog, what would have happen if he went in to the street and got ran over by a car or bus? she is responseable and I say she should pay for kevin and for mickey to find a good home inside of a pen fully enclosed so no one can make a mistake with him again, I have dogs , I know one is food aggressive and I make sure no one is around her, and she is very well loved ,
We have received a number of nasty ass comments from dog owners who seemingly place more emphasis on the well being of this dog than on the well being of this boy. What a sad statement that is about our contemporary American society. Are you really so warped that you value dogs more than children?
This dog should be put to sleep for what he did, It is a shame his owners treated him like that and did not train him. I have a dog and at one time living In Sierra Vista, Arizona and at one time we had a big dog mixed shepard and doberment. he was well trained we taught him not to snap at any one who took a bone or his food away, he would defend my children and had 3 bites all in defense of them. we went to court and due to our honesty we were alowed to keep him but he had to be in a 6 foot high pen and when out of it had to wear a muzzel. we never had a nother problem after that. but had he attacked my children I would of had him put down. That is a part of life but a dog that dose damage to a child like it did is not safe to be in the community. by the way the pen also had a lock on it.
Take a long look at a decent picture of that animal. The fact is the dog was being starved and it shows. He was defending the only thing he had, an old bone. He was chained and is obviously fearful. Most starved dogs are also abused dogs. Instead of calling for Mickey's death, why not call out the real criminal here, the owner. Why isn't she being charged, ordered to pay money, forbidden from owning another dog?
Because sure as rain falls, this will happen again on HER watch.
At the end of the day, I think Jesus would take Mickey to Heaven and leave his wretched owner to the other long term option.
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