June 5, 2013

Job Reigoux - U.S. Military

Staff Sgt. Job M. Reigoux, age 30, of Austin, Texas, died on June 1, 2013, in Ghazni Province, Afghanistan, of wounds sustained when insurgents attacked his unit with a rocket propelled grenade.

He was assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 69th Armor Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, Fort Stewart, Georgia.

Job was a graduate of Echelon Charter School in Austin. He joined the Army in January of 2002. This was his third deployment to Afghanistan.

He was posthumously promoted to staff sergeant and awarded the Bronze Star and Purple Heart medals.

Family members describe Job as their Superman and their hero. He loved his family and his children. He was a serious type of man but loved to goof around on Karaoke.

Friends and military comrades describe Job as a great friend and mentor. He is described as the most caring, hard-working and motivated soldier that they had the privilege to work with.

Still others said that Job was a great person who was always willing to help the
Father, place Job on the
stairway to Heaven
soldier to his left and his right.

Job is survived by many loving friends and relatives including his mother, Maria Guevara; his father, Ruben Reigoux; his sisters - Angie and Carmen; his brother, Saul; his wife, Erica; his son Seth (age 9) and his daughter, Maddison (age 4).

Thank you for serving, Job. 

Pray without ceasing unto God for an end to this war in Afghanistan. It is enough. We are sick with grief for men like Job.

Pray that Job is in heaven. Pray that he is at peace and is with God. Amen.

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