March 29, 2013

Jeffrey Scheurer - Firefighter - New Jersey

Firefighter Jeffrey Scheurer, age 35, died in the line of duty on March 28, 2013, on Route 629 in Clinton Township, New Jersey. 

Jeff was a member of the New Jersey Forest Fire Service and a volunteer firefighter with the Readington Volunteer Fire Company. 

Saint Florian, Patron Saint
of Firefighters, pray for
Jeffrey and other members of the Fire Service were conducting a controlled burn along Route 629 near Round Valley Reservoir. Jeff was struck by a passing vehicle and died at the scene.

Heavy smoke associated with the controlled burn may have reduced visibility when the wind shifted and contributed to the accident. The investigation is ongoing.

Jeff lived in Raritan Township.

He had worked as a volunteer firefighter since he was 17 years old.

His volunteer firefighter colleagues are devastated by his death. He is described as a quiet man who was a good guy and who was well-liked. He was helpful to others.

Jeff will be greatly missed.

Jeff is survived by many loving friends and relatives including his parents and his brother, who is also a firefighter.

Pray for all who die in the line of duty. 

Let us pray that Jeff is in heaven. Let us pray that he is at peace and is with God. Amen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He was a great person and a hero