March 4, 2013

Bailey O'Neill - age 12 - beaten and died in Pennsylvania

Bailey O'Neill, age 12, of Darby Township, Pennsylvania, died on March 3, 2013, in a hospital in Pennsylvania.

He had been beaten in an attack in January of 2013. He had been attacked on the playground by two kids at his Darby Township School. He suffered a concussion and a broken nose.

It was all about the concussion and Bailey suffered violent seizures after this attack and doctors put him into a medically induced coma. 

Bailey suffered another setback while still in the coma, catching pneumonia. Doctors were forced to give him a blood transfusion, but sadly he passed away.

Jesus, pray for Bailey
Family members stated that Bailey was a tough and strong boy who fought for survival to the end.

Where are the parents and the families of the kids who beat up others?

How are these kids raised? And why is fighting and beating up others considered a normal part of a boy's upbringing? It wasn't part of our upbringings and we all were boys once.

The parents today are seemingly absent while their nasty, shitty, snot-nosed brats harangue others, bully others, beat up others and generally cause havoc.

What are your kids doing? Do you care? 

Bailey is survived by many loving friends and relatives and supporters.

Let us pray that Bailey O'Neill is in heaven. Let us pray that he is at peace and is with God. Amen.

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