March 2, 2011

Liam Tasker

British LCpl Liam Tasker, age 26, was killed in the Nahr-e Saraj District in Helmand Province, Afghanistan on March 1, 2011. 

Liam Tasker
Liam was a member of the 1st Military Working Dog Regiment and was based at Camp Bastion. Liam was an Arms Explosive Search Handler.  He was taking part in a patrol with his dog, Theo, when he was shot and died. Theo suffered a seizure and died later the same day.  

His mother Jane Duffy, father Ian Tasker, brother Ian, sisters Laura and Nicola, and girlfriend Leah have all paid tribute to Liam who they described as “larger than life.”

Liam's dog - Theo
died that same day
of shock and seizure
Family members said "He lit up every room he walked into with his cheeky smile. He was the best son, grandson, brother and friend you could ever wish to meet. He died a hero doing a job he was immensely passionate about. We are so proud of him and everything he's achieved. Words can't describe how sorely he will be missed."

He is also survived by his girlfriend, Leah Walters.

Let us pray to God the Father, Jesus, all of the saints and all of the angels that Liam Tasker is in heaven. Let us pray that he is at peace and is with God. Amen

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