November 10, 2010

Scott Hughes

British Senior Aircraftman Scott Hughes, age 20, from North Wales, had been relaxing on the island of Cyprus following a six-month tour of duty when he was killed in a boating accident in Cyprus. 

The 20-year-old was hit by the boat - operated by the Military Training Wing, British Forces Cyprus - on November 5th and died from his injuries on November 7, 2010. 

The gunner, from 1 Squadron Royal Air Force Regiment, was due to return to Britain on Saturday, and an investigation has been launched into the tragedy.

In a statement, his family, including parents Emma and Michael and younger brother Adam, said: "Our beautiful, brave, fun-loving son has been cruelly taken away from us. But we know that Scott fulfilled his dreams by serving his regiment and his country. Words cannot express the loss we as a family are feeling at this time and a huge void will be in our lives without Scott forever more."

SAC Hughes, who joined the RAF in January 2009, was named top student on a Squadron Mortar Cadre in November 2009. In Afghanistan, he was employed as top cover on the lead patrol vehicle as well as a signaller on the medical emergency response team helicopter where he helped in the evacuation of casualties.

Military authorities stated "Scott was fiercely proud of his Regiment and we are fiercely proud of him. He will be deeply missed and never forgotten."

Let us pray to God the Father, Jesus, all of the saints and all of the angels that Scott Hughes is in heaven. Let us pray that he is at peace and is with God. Amen

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