March 23, 2018

Michael Davidson - Firefighter Fatality - New York City

Michael Davidson
Firefighter Michael Davidson, age 37, of Floral Park, Long Island, died in the line of duty on March 22, 2018, at a hospital in Harlem, New York City.

Firefighter Davidson was a member of the New York City Fire Department. He was assigned to Engine Company 69 in Harlem. He had 15 years of service.

A five alarm fire broke out at an empty structure on Saint Nicholas Avenue that was being used as a film set.

Around 11:00 p.m., Michael was operating the fire hose nozzle in the basement of the building. The fire in the vicinity intensified and he was separated from other firefighters.

He was found unconscious and was rushed to a hospital in Harlem where, tragically, he was pronounced deceased.

Two other firefighters were seriously injured fighting this fire.

The incidents are under investigation. 
Florian, Patron Saint of
Firefighters, pray for
Michael and for those
who have lost him.

Michael's father is a retired New York City firefighter and Michael's brother is a current New York City firefighter. 

Michael was cited four different times during his time at the department for his bravery while on duty.

The members of the New York City Fire Department are in mourning over the death of their brother. Michael was a professional and a valued member of the team. He was one of the good guys. He will be forever remembered.

Michael's loved ones are devastated over his sudden and tragic death. He was loved. He did his best. He will be forever mourned.

Michael is survived by many loving comrades, friends and family members including his wife and four young children. 

Thank you for your service to the community, Michael.

Pray for all who die in the line of duty.

Pray for all who die suddenly. They are with us one moment and are gone before we can say goodbye.

Pray that Michael is in Heaven. Pray that he is at peace and is with God. Amen.

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