August 31, 2017

Robert French - Sheriff's Department Fatality - Sacramento County, California

Robert French
Deputy Sheriff Robert French, age 52, died in the line of duty on August 30, 2017, in Sacramento, California.

Deputy Sheriff French was a member of the Sacramento County Sheriff's Department. He had 21 years of service.

Robert was known as Bob to his family and friends.

At about 10:30 a.m., Robert and other law enforcement officers from several jurisdictions were involved in an auto theft investigation. Two women were taken into custody in connection with a stolen vehicle. Officers had a search warrant for a room in a Sacramento hotel. When two California Highway Patrol officers knocked on the door, a male inside started firing with a rifle. Both officers were wounded.

The shooter then ran out to the room's balcony and opened fire on Robert French, mortally wounding him.  Tragically, Robert died on the way to the hospital.

The male suspect (in his early 30's) jumped from the balcony and lead officers on a chase before he crashed the vehicle. He started shooting again and was himself shot by officers and taken into custody. 

The Sacramento County Deputy Sheriff’s Association has established a memorial
Michael, Patron Saint of the Police, pray for Robert
and for those who have lost him.
fund for Deputy French. Checks made out to “Robert French Memorial Fund” may be sent to 2843 Manlove Road, Sacramento, CA 95826 or donations may be made online at

The members of the Sacramento Sheriff's Department are in mourning over the death of their brother. Robert was a well-respected officer who was looked up to as a mentor by many of his comrades. He had a winning smile and an upbeat attitude. He will be forever remembered.

Robert's loved ones are devastated over his sudden and tragic death. He did his best. He was loved. He will be forever mourned.

Robert is survived by many loving comrades, friends and family members who will forever miss him.

Thank you for your service to the community, Bob.

Pray for all who die in the line of duty.

Pray for justice for Robert French.

God save us from the psychopaths. They are killing us, Father. Amen.

Pray that Robert is in Heaven. Pray that he is at peace and is with God. Amen.

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