February 24, 2016

Peter Mielke - a store clerk murdered in Bellaire, Texas

Peter Mielke, age 19, died on February 21, 2016, in Bellaire, Texas. 
Peter Mielke

Bellaire is part of the Houston metropolitan area. 

Peter was a clerk working at a pizza parlor in Bellaire.

Around 9:30 p.m., a male robber entered the restaurant, which was empty, and demanded money. Peter handed over whatever money was in the register but was shot numerous times. 

Tragically, Peter died of his injuries. 

If you have any information about this crime, you are urged to call Houston Crime Stoppers at 713-222-TIPS (8477) or Bellaire PD at 713-668-0487.  The suspect is described as a thin, black male. 

A funding site has been set up to help the family with expenses.

Peter was not scheduled to be working on February 21st. He was filling in for a female co-worker, Kaelynn. This young woman is greatly bereaved over Peter's death. 

Peter had worked at the pizza restaurant for almost a year and was well-liked by his co-workers. He was a valued employee. 

Friends describe Peter as happy, hardworking, humorous and kind-hearted. 

Peter had attended Bellaire High School and had played football there. He was studying sports broadcasting at a local junior college.

To the thief who killed Peter Mielke, we ask this question: What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul?

Peter's loved ones are devastated over his sudden and tragic death. He was loved. He did his best. He will be forever mourned.

Peter is survived by many loving friends and family members including his mother, Dana, and his girlfriend, Sarah. 

Angels of God, pray for Peter and for those
who have lost him.

Pray for justice for Peter. 

He was just a kid starting out in life.

God save us from the thieves. They are killing us, Father. Amen.

Pray that Peter is in Heaven. Pray that he is at peace and is with God. Amen.

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