June 10, 2013

Todd Clark - U.S. Military

Lt. Colonel Todd Clark, age 40, died on June 8, 2013, at an Afghan National Army base in Paktika Province, Afghanistan.

Todd was shot by an Afghan soldier he was training. This Afghani attacker was also killed.

Todd was a member of the the Army's 10th Mountain Division based at Fort Drum in northern New York. He was a brigade level adviser.

Todd had previously been injured by a roadside bomb in Kandahar, Afghanistan in July of 2010.  He received a Purple Heart in connection with that incident.

He was on his second deployment to Afghanistan. He had previously served three tours of duty in Iraq. He had spent about 12 years in overseas service.

Todd was a 1990 graduate of Christian Brothers Academy. He entered the Army after earning a degree at Texas A&M University.

Todd had publicly stated that his work was not simply about teaching the Afghan
Angels of God, pray for Todd
soldiers, it was also about understanding their needs and viewpoints.

Family members are devastated by his passing.  They are deeply in grief.  Seas of tears have been shed for Todd.

Friends describe him as a tremendous person, who was a loving husband and father; a great son; a leader, a mentor and a wounded warrior.

Todd is survived by many loving friends and relatives including his parents, Kathleen and Jack; his wife, Shelley; and their two children - Madison and Collin. 

Thank you for serving, Todd.

Pray without ceasing unto God for an end to this war in Afghanistan. It is enough. We are sick with grief for men like Todd.

Pray that Todd is in heaven. Pray that he is at peace and is with God. Amen.

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