June 1, 2013

Air Ambulance - crashed in Northern Ontario, Canada

Four crewmembers of Ontario's air ambulance service died in the line of duty on May 31, 2013, not long after departure from Moosonee, Ontario.

The helicopter crew was on its way to Attawapiskat in Northern Ontario for a routine patient pick-up.

The cause of the crash of the helicopter is unknown as of this posting.

Deceased are:

Captain Don Filliter, age 54, of Skead, Ontario
First Officer Jacques Dupuy, age 43, of Otterburn-Park, Quebec
Paramedic Dustin Dagenais, age 34, of Moose Factory, Ontario
Paramedic Chris Snowball, age 38, of Burlington, Ontario

Don Filliter (L), Dustin Dagenais (Mid), Chris Snowball (R)
Their families, friends and comrades are devastated by this tragic accident.

Don Filliter is described by friends as dedicated and a professional. His family describe him as non-judgmental and supportive. He was proud of his family.

He started working as a pilot for the ministry of natural resources in 1992. He previously had patrolled forests up north, detecting fires. He started working with the Air Ambulance Department in March of 2013.

Don is survived by many loving friends and relatives including his wife, daughter and two sons.

Chris Snowball was a primary care flight paramedic. Family members stated that he was the sort of person who always wanted to help those in need. Chris had been working as a paramedic in Nova Scotia and Ontario for the past 19 years.

Chris is survived by many loving friends and relatives including his wife and three children.

Dustin Dagenais is described by friends as a man who would go above and beyond the make everyone feel more comfortable or more at ease.

Dustin is survived by many loving friends and relatives including his wife and 10
Light a candle for Don, Jacques, Dustin
and Chris.  Light their way to Heaven.
month old daughter.

Jacques Dupuy had flown all over the world, including as a bush pilot in Quebec. He had flown with the Air Ambulance Department since August of 2012.

Jacques is survived by many loving friends and relatives including his wife and two children.

Thanks to Don, Chris, Jacques and Dustin for their service to the public. 

Pray for all who die by misadventure. They are with us one moment and gone the next. Amen. 

Pray that Don, Chris, Jacques and Dustin are in heaven. Pray that they are at peace and are with God. Amen.

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