April 6, 2013

Joshua Unsworth - Teenaged boy possibly bullied to death in England

Joshua Unsworth, age 15, died on April 4, 2013, behind his family home in Goosnargh, England.

He had hung himself.

Joshua did not have a history of severe, suicidal tendencies previously. His friends allege that Joshua was bullied and that this bullying led to his death.

He was a year 11 student at St. Cecilia's Roman Catholic High School in Longridge.

A series of nasty and disturbing comments were made against Joshua on the Internet on ask.fm, a social network site that allows anyone to post anonymous comments and questions to a person’s profile.

Joshua is described as a friendly boy with a ready smile.

Internet comments from those grieving over Joshua stated:

Bullied to death. But Heaven now holds another angel.
I hope your bullies can’t sleep at night knowing what they did to you.
Justice will be done.

The school issued a statement asking the parents of students to talk to their children
Mary, pray for Joshua
about the impact that social network comments can have on other people, as well as the risks involved in making themselves identifiable and potentially vulnerable.

School officials describe Joshua as always a smiling, friendly presence in school – he had an easy manner and ready smile which made him very popular among his classmates. He is also described as polite and pleasant.

Joshua is survived by many loving friends and relatives, including his parents.

God save us from the snot nosed brats who try to torture each other to death. Amen.

Pray for all who are driven to suicide, whatever the cause. Amen.

Let us pray that Joshua is in heaven. Let us pray that he is at peace and is with God. Amen.

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