February 25, 2013

Manitoba Mennonites and Catholics - not in support of anti-bullying law

The government of the Canadian Province of Manitoba has legislation up for consideration (Bill 18) to attempt to put an end to bullying at schools or at least to try to curtail it somewhat. 

The proposals are based on similar legislation in effect in the neighboring province of Ontario. 

Manitoba Mennonites praying that Anti-Bullying legislation
doesn't pass into law

The legislation is expected to pass by September of 2013, so that it is in place for the Fall school term. 
Gay Straight Alliance Groups at
School - prohibited

This is a good thing, as any attempts, at any level to prevent the torment of kids and young adults is the right way to go.  We should want to prevent teen suicides and the trauma from bullying that can be carried well into adulthood and can profoundly affect an individual's perception of their worth. 

However....apparently Mennonites and some Catholics in Manitoba are praying that this Anti-Bullying Bill is not passed.

Why you ask?  Because private Mennonite and Catholic schools may be forced by this legislation to accommodate gay and lesbian support groups and Gay-Straight Alliance Groups. 

Apparently, Bill 18 proposes that schools must allow student groups that promote respect for sexual orientation and gender identity to use school facilities for meetings.

This, the opponents say, strips faith-based schools of the right to set rules according to their beliefs.  What a load of rubbish.

Mennonites and Catholics should not be praying unto God for inequality. 

Pray that we all get with the human program for today - which includes equality for all.  You can't cherry pick human rights if you have a conscience. 

Do we have to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st Century?  Are we going to continue to "party like it's 1899"?  

1 comment:

Ken McAllister said...

You said, "This, the opponents say, strips faith-based schools of the right to set rules according to their beliefs. What a load of rubbish."

How is this a load of rubbish? Are you saying Bill 18 will NOT strip faith-based schools of the right to set rules according to their beliefs? Have you not read the proposed legislation?