February 25, 2013

Aaron Dugmore - bullied to death in England

Aaron Dugmore, age 9, of Erdington, died on February 12, 2013, at a hospital in Birmingham, England.

He had hung himself. 

His mother and step-father allege that Aaron was bullied to death by students attending Erdington Primary School. They allege that he endured months of bullying by Asian fellow students who taunted Aaron for being "white". 

His family say that Aaron was threatened with a plastic knife by one Asian pupil who warned him: “Next time it will be a real one.”

Aaron's family also state that they complained to the school but nothing was done to stop the bullying. 75 percent of the students at this school come from ethnic backgrounds. 

Aaron's mother also stated: “We are not racist people. Aaron got on with all the children at his last school, and for him to have been bullied because of the colour of his skin makes me feel sick to my stomach.”

They stated that after Aaron began attending this particular school he became troubled, argumentative and unhappy. It was then that he admitted that he was being bullied at school.
Saint Christopher, pray for

It is alleged that the school principal said to Aaron's family when they complained: "You didn’t have to come to this school, you chose to come here.”

If this is the case, the school principal should be fired. This is not how reports of bullying should be handled by a responsible administrator. 

If the principal and teachers at a Primary school can't monitor and handle kids under age 12, then what hope is there when these kids attend secondary schools as teenagers? Do they just run amok? 

Aaron is survived by many loving friends and relatives including his mother, Kelly-Marie Dugmore and his step-father, Paul Jones. 

God save the children from torment.  Amen. 

Let us pray that Aaron Dugmore is in heaven. Let us pray that he is at peace and is with God. Amen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God bless you aaron. You are a little angel.xxxxxx