August 8, 2012

Jim Reardon - Firefighter - North Dakota

Firefighter Jim Reardon, age 51, died in the line of duty on August 4, 2012, at Scalp Lake, Minnesota.

Jim was a volunteer member of the North Dakota Fire Academy and served as a photographer.

Saint Florian, Patron
Saint of Firefighters,
pray for Jim
While participating in an exploratory dive in preparation for an upcoming North Dakota Fire Academy Scuba exercise, Jim passed away from a cause still to be determined. It is presumed that Jim had a heart attack during the exercise.

Jim started working with the Fire Academy of North Dakota in 2010. He was also involved with the Superior Wisconsin Marine Fire Training program.

Jim is survived by many loving friends and relatives including his wife, Michelle, and four children - Cole, Taylor, Paige and Clare.

Let us pray that Jim Reardon is in heaven. Let us pray that he is at peace and is with God. Amen.

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